MCC Facts

How We Impact Lives & Communities

Post-Completion Outcomes

MCC is one of 10 select U.S. community colleges – and the only one in New York state – participating in the Unlocking Opportunity: The Post-Graduation Success and Equity Network to lead reform efforts in higher education. Participants focus on improving student access, completion and post-completion outcomes. The network runs from 2023 through 2028, in collaboration with the Aspen Institute College Excellence Program and the Community College Research Center.


of MCC career program graduates with full-time jobs stay in our region

NYS Wages 1 Year After MCC Graduation

(annual median)


Certificate holders


All graduates*


Associate degree holders

Sources: SUNY System Administration, NYSDOL

*Graduating classes included: 2014-15 to 2017-18; certificate holders: 418; degree holders: 2,620; percentage working in New York state: 87.4%

Student and teacher at Healthy Hero summer camp

Community Impact

Several key initiatives through which MCC helps underrepresented and/or at-risk learners achieve academic success include:

  • Be a Healthy Hero Summer Camp (for Grades 1-12)
  • Liberty Partnerships Program (for Grades 7-12)
  • Science and Technology Entry Program (for Grades 7-12)
  • Upward Bound / Upward Bound Math and Science (for Grades 9-12)
  • Greece Early College High School (for Grades 9-12)
  • Rochester Early College International High School (for Grades 9-12)
  • Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) (for Grades 9-14)
  • Pathways to MCC (for nongraduates to earn a high school equivalency diploma through college credit)




In grant awards that support MCC facilities and programs benefiting students, faculty and staff

Notable Grants

  • Federal, state and county funding for the expansion of the Applied Technologies Center | $54.6 million
  • American Rescue Plan Act grant to expand and enhance the licensed practical nurse, certified nurse assistant, home health aide and clinical bridge programs in partnership with the Finger Lakes Performing Provider System | $5.5 million
  • Federal grant to expand MCC optical systems technology programs (pictured) | $5.1 million
  • Louis S. and Molly B. Wolk Foundation grant to create laboratory space for health care programs at MCC’s Downtown Campus | $1.25 million
MCC student and professor in optical fabrication lab at diamond turning lathe

Isaiah Gonsalves presenting his paper during the 2023 Beacon conference for student scholars
Amanda McGinnis, student named 2023 Most Distinguished Chapter Member of Phi Theta Kappa
Jasna Bogdanovska, associate professor of photography

Student and Faculty/Staff Honors

  • Two MCC students’ original works won Most Outstanding Paper and Presentation honors in their categories at the 2023 Beacon Conference for student scholars at two-year colleges in the mid-Atlantic region: Isaiah Gonsalves’ “The Internment of Japanese Americans and the Declaration of Martial Law in Hawaii: The Impact of Racial and War-Related Prejudice After the Attack on Pearl Harbor” (pictured top) and Rebecca Soriano’s “God the Mother and the Feminine Christ: Representations of the Madonna and Jesus as Divine Maternal Nurturers in Medieval and Renaissance Art.”
    Soriano’s essay is also published in the 2023 edition of Illuminate, an undergraduate journal of the Northeast Regional Honors Conference.
  • MCC men’s and women’s swimming and diving teams won 2023 National Junior College Athletic Association team national championships.
  • MCC’s honor society chapter was named one of Phi Theta Kappa’s 2023 Most Distinguished Chapter internationally, and student Amanda McGinnis (pictured center) was named 2023 Most Distinguished Chapter Member regionally and internationally.
  • Sherri Kurtz, assistant professor and clinical coordinator for first-year students in the dental studies program, is the 2022-23 recipient of the national League Excellence Award for exemplifying exceptional teaching and leadership.
  • Jasna Bogdanovska (pictured bottom), associate professor of photography, is the 2023 recipient of the American Association of Community Colleges’ Dale P. Parnell Distinguished Faculty honor for going above and beyond to support students in and outside the classroom.
  • Alexis Vogt, chair and professor of optical systems technology, received the 2023 SPIE Maria J. Yzuel Educator Award for her outstanding contributions to optics education.
  • English/Philosophy professor Tony Leuzzi’s fourth book of poems, Fog Notes, was published by Tiger Bark Press in 2023.
  • John Rodman, assistant coach of MCC men’s and women’s swimming and diving teams, was named 2023 NJCAA Diving Coach of the Year.
  • Daniel Dubois, adjunct assistant professor and retired MCC head coach, is a 2023 inductee in the NJCAA Swimming & Diving Coaches Association Hall of Fame.

Setting High Benchmarks

  • MCC is one of four U.S. schools selected in 2023 to develop a financial coaching program aimed at bridging the racial wealth gap. (National Council for Workforce Education)
  • MCC is among 75 U.S. institutions selected to participate in the national Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation initiative aimed at dismantling systemic inequities in higher education and within communities. (American Association of Colleges and Universities)
  • MCC is among a handful of U.S. colleges and universities noted for offering short-term, accelerated training for high-demand careers that pay family-sustaining wages. (The Hechinger Report)
  • MCC faculty and staff have received 155 SUNY Chancellor’s Awards recognizing excellence in teaching, faculty service, professional service, librarianship, classified service, and scholarship and creative activities.
  • Graduates of MCC’s clinical laboratory technician, dental hygiene, nursing, paramedic and radiologic technology (pictured) programs perform well above state and national averages on certification and licensure exams, achieving pass rates of 89% or higher in 2021-22.*
  • Monroe Community College Foundation has been ranked in the top three in overall support, and unrestricted and restricted giving among reporting SUNY community colleges since 2017-18. (Council for Advancement and Support of Education)

*Latest data available

A diverse group of people seated in a lecture hall
MCC radiologic tech graduate at work at the University of Rochester

High school student operating FANUC robot in Forward Center summer robotics program
MCC graduate with her child at 2023 commencement

Inspiring the Way Forward

  • The Finger Lakes Workforce Development Center on MCC’s Downtown Campus offers increased opportunities for diverse residents of the Finger Lakes region to access technology-oriented, industry-driven education and training for high-demand careers in a 21st-century economy. Fast-track programs enable individuals of all ages to earn microcredential badges and progress toward an associate degree.
    Go online for a list of offerings.
  • MCC is helping raise completion rates for single-mother learners by 30% by 2024. As one of the top online providers in the SUNY system, MCC responds to the needs of many student-parents who prefer online courses and remote access to services to better balance school and family/work responsibilities. MCC served more than 1,270 student-parents in fall 2023.

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